Types of dog's constitution. What type does your pet belong to?

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August 13, 2021
Have you ever heard that “First impressions are half the battle”? Sure, the saying mostly concerns humans, however it may be applied to Rottweilers as well. Nobody doubts that he is your “pretty little boy or girl”, you adore him and do everything for your Rotty to look great. Did you know that there are 5 types of Rottweiler constitution? Who knows may be your Rottweiler has exhibition constitution and you even aren’t aware of it?
It won’t be difficult for you to determine  what type your dog belongs to, because nobody knows your pet as good as you do. Of course, general characteristics differ for male and female Rottweilers. Female representatives of this breed aren’t so strong and massive as male Rotties. But does it mean they can’t be perfect guards? Not at all! Vice verse, they are easily trained and will serve you faithfully. So, if you feel that your Rottweiler spends a lot of time couching on your favourite sofa, may be it’s time to involve him in training or other interesting activities?
Let’s prove that the strong character of your Rottweiler corresponds with his gorgeous appearance! 
Dear Rottweiler owner, how many times did you face low-grade dog equipment? Torn or stretched straps of Leather Harness are familiar to you? We feel bad, that you and your Rotty were disappointed, but that doesn’t mean that there is no top-quality, extra strong equipment, that won’t lose it’s shape in time. We are happy to offer you this “Barbed Wire” Painted Leather Harness
Sometimes dog owners have a bag of different collars for their pets. And their beloved dogs have various accessories for different purposes and occasions. Thus, for example, they prefer their dogs to wear simple and strong collars when getting them trained and more fashionable and beautiful ones when simply walking. Anyways even if your doggy has only one collar, let it be this Stunning Handcrafted Leather Collar, which brings style and fashion into everyday walking! 


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