Choosing a proper name for Rottweiler pup
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If you are a new Rottweiler owner - then you have come across the problem of choosing a proper name for your pet. Choosing a proper name for your Rotty is very important, because you choose it once and forever - you will call your pet by his name till the end of his life.
Before giving a name to your dog you should do several things. You should remember that dogs will recognize their names, that's why it should be simple and clear to him, because it will be easier for your doggie to remember it. However, avoid the names that sound like commands - your dog can mix it up with them. An ideal variant is a name that consists of two syllables. Check the name for a hidden meaning - you, of course, don't want your Rottweiler to have a name with a hidden negative, strange or mocking meaning. And, finally, the cornerstone is appropriateness. It is recommended to observe your pet for some days before giving him a name - and the answer will come of its own accord.